I love the way you guys combined a variety of media types to make your assets. Very few games use claymation, and seeing your character so well animated reminded me instantly of "The Neverhood". I would suggest adding more player moves as you already have a good chunk of animations your character can do. I also encountered a bug where getting hit by enemies was not lowering my player's health, which I think could be an easy fix.
I know you mentioned this is more of a proof of concept, but I would love to see more of the narrative behind the game to make more sense of the ending. You have a really great foundation here that you should definitely look towards expanding upon!
Yes yes I loved this game as soon as I see the real-life clay models, when I haven't even played the game. It's super creative to combine a 2d platformer with real photos and 3d assets. But on the other hand, I also wish that this game could be longer, so I get to see this weirdly attractive world more.
I think this game has a very high update value. Maybe you can make it into a shaun the sheep type of visuals, but with very bizarre stories. That would be so cool!
This game is really unique in its visuals. The animation is very delicate and refined, especially the double jump one. I love the constantly shifting between abstractness and reality. Making this piece more like an interactive artwork.
I think this game can be a part of an endless series of games that might take pieces of your dream visualization and everyday inspiration. The sparks of ideas that might be very hard to visualize might not make sense in another type of game but will work in yours. Keep it up!
This is such an ambitious project. It's such a big step to take in experimenting and trying out new aesthetics. It must have been arduous going through the process of taking every picture. But in the end you guys did a phenomenal job at it. The lighting on the character itself creates great contrast and adds to this 3D effect. I just really loved seeing the character do a front flip. The animations are just so seamless. I think one thing that I would improve on is the cave texture. It looks slightly junky at some points. But other than that, I think it is great.
When you both first talked about this concept, I was really inspired by the level of dedication. The clay sprite animation was incredible, and the process of taking something in real life, photoshopping each frame animation, and plugging it into Unity is something I can relate to really well. Although we didn't get to see the true version of your concept, I still think this is a fantastic starting point. Keep up the great work.
I loved playing this game! I was very glad I had the opportunity to play it and also watch the ending in class.
The first thing I noticed was the choice of mixed media. Right off the bat, I think this is one of the strongest parts of the game. I immediately wanted to play more upon seeing the environment and character-- they made me want to explore and see more of what was created for this game! I think it's difficult to keep a mixed media piece coherent, but this was very well executed in its design.
The other part I enjoyed was the story progression and level design. I felt it was a very original concept to have a sort of "friendly" bounty hunter. I also liked the pop culture inserts and mix of "modern" media (glitch art, 3D models) with "traditional" media (claymation, hand drawn aspects). Overall I thought this made the progression interesting and well done.
A suggestion I have is just making the story a little more clear. I think the gameplay and assets are all there, but I really want to know why I ended up at an old lady's house. I feel like she's a specific character and I'd love to know more about it.
In summary I think this was a beautiful game, and would love an open world version I could just walk in for hours. Awesome job guys!
The mixed media animations in this game are incredible! I think it was Jason who suggested that you push forward with this art technique and try to remove digital assets wherever you can. I agree! I also agree with possibly removing fighting. Because this is such a fun visual experience, making a more explorative parkour style gameplay could allow us to focus on the visuals even more. I hope you guys keep working on it!
- The moment I enjoyed most was watching this graphic. I was really curious about how this character was made until I heard you guys’ presentation.
Where do you see room for improvement?
- I thought it would be nice if the enemy was pushed back when the character hits an enemy.
When did you stop playing and why?
- I didn’t stop.
Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard
to understand?
- It would be nice if the Health UI was placed a little more inside of the screen.
- There was no explanation for the control.
Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?
- I accidentally found out in the middle of playing that I could do double jumps. It would be nice if there was a terrain structure that couldn't pass through without a double jump.
Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?
- This game is like a game made by a little child cutting colored paper and magazines. I like this art because it has a unique sensibility and doesn't have a unity feel. And the animation of the character is surprisingly smooth. Perhaps the next step would be to make the enemies the same way as the main character.
Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?
- I wish there were many moments where I could use a double jump.
- I want to try this style of art later too. I appreciate that you guys provided a very good example.
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I love the way you guys combined a variety of media types to make your assets. Very few games use claymation, and seeing your character so well animated reminded me instantly of "The Neverhood". I would suggest adding more player moves as you already have a good chunk of animations your character can do. I also encountered a bug where getting hit by enemies was not lowering my player's health, which I think could be an easy fix.
I know you mentioned this is more of a proof of concept, but I would love to see more of the narrative behind the game to make more sense of the ending. You have a really great foundation here that you should definitely look towards expanding upon!
Yes yes I loved this game as soon as I see the real-life clay models, when I haven't even played the game. It's super creative to combine a 2d platformer with real photos and 3d assets. But on the other hand, I also wish that this game could be longer, so I get to see this weirdly attractive world more.
I think this game has a very high update value. Maybe you can make it into a shaun the sheep type of visuals, but with very bizarre stories. That would be so cool!
This game is really unique in its visuals. The animation is very delicate and refined, especially the double jump one. I love the constantly shifting between abstractness and reality. Making this piece more like an interactive artwork.
I think this game can be a part of an endless series of games that might take pieces of your dream visualization and everyday inspiration. The sparks of ideas that might be very hard to visualize might not make sense in another type of game but will work in yours. Keep it up!
This is such an ambitious project. It's such a big step to take in experimenting and trying out new aesthetics. It must have been arduous going through the process of taking every picture. But in the end you guys did a phenomenal job at it. The lighting on the character itself creates great contrast and adds to this 3D effect. I just really loved seeing the character do a front flip. The animations are just so seamless. I think one thing that I would improve on is the cave texture. It looks slightly junky at some points. But other than that, I think it is great.
When you both first talked about this concept, I was really inspired by the level of dedication. The clay sprite animation was incredible, and the process of taking something in real life, photoshopping each frame animation, and plugging it into Unity is something I can relate to really well. Although we didn't get to see the true version of your concept, I still think this is a fantastic starting point. Keep up the great work.
I loved playing this game! I was very glad I had the opportunity to play it and also watch the ending in class.
The first thing I noticed was the choice of mixed media. Right off the bat, I think this is one of the strongest parts of the game. I immediately wanted to play more upon seeing the environment and character-- they made me want to explore and see more of what was created for this game! I think it's difficult to keep a mixed media piece coherent, but this was very well executed in its design.
The other part I enjoyed was the story progression and level design. I felt it was a very original concept to have a sort of "friendly" bounty hunter. I also liked the pop culture inserts and mix of "modern" media (glitch art, 3D models) with "traditional" media (claymation, hand drawn aspects). Overall I thought this made the progression interesting and well done.
A suggestion I have is just making the story a little more clear. I think the gameplay and assets are all there, but I really want to know why I ended up at an old lady's house. I feel like she's a specific character and I'd love to know more about it.
In summary I think this was a beautiful game, and would love an open world version I could just walk in for hours. Awesome job guys!
The mixed media animations in this game are incredible! I think it was Jason who suggested that you push forward with this art technique and try to remove digital assets wherever you can. I agree! I also agree with possibly removing fighting. Because this is such a fun visual experience, making a more explorative parkour style gameplay could allow us to focus on the visuals even more. I hope you guys keep working on it!
Playtester Name: Chang
Developer Name(s): Ava, Ethan
Playtest Date : 11/19/2020
What were your favorite moments of the game?
- The moment I enjoyed most was watching this graphic. I was really curious about how this character was made until I heard you guys’ presentation.
Where do you see room for improvement?
- I thought it would be nice if the enemy was pushed back when the character hits an enemy.
When did you stop playing and why?
- I didn’t stop.
Was there anything related to the interface or controls that was hard
to understand?
- It would be nice if the Health UI was placed a little more inside of the screen.
- There was no explanation for the control.
Was there anything related to the mechanics that was hard to understand?
- I accidentally found out in the middle of playing that I could do double jumps. It would be nice if there was a terrain structure that couldn't pass through without a double jump.
Was there anything related to the art, or sound that was hard to understand?
- This game is like a game made by a little child cutting colored paper and magazines. I like this art because it has a unique sensibility and doesn't have a unity feel. And the animation of the character is surprisingly smooth. Perhaps the next step would be to make the enemies the same way as the main character.
Do you have any other feedback that you would like the designer to hear?
- I wish there were many moments where I could use a double jump.
- I want to try this style of art later too. I appreciate that you guys provided a very good example.
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fun ...good prototype